When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.

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Danny Macaskill - The Ridge

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They said India doesn't INNOV8........(MUST WATCH)

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loVe neVer FAILS but peOple FAIL on LOVE

There was a boy and a girl.
They were best friends for years and years.
They could talk for hours on the phone and text each others for days,
When they were together.
Not a single bad thought could cross their mind,
Every thing was great but one day;

The boy din't answer to call or reply to any text for a day..
The girl was worried something is wrong..
At night she couldn't sleep.., she was sitting in her room crying,
And it was then she realized hoe much he means to her ...?

THE next morning:
She woke up from a call; it was boy...:)

GIRL: i am so glad that you called me,what happened to you yesterday?
BOY: I was busy..
( The girl understood something wrong but couldn't ask)

[ silence]

BOY: you know we should stop talking...!
GIRL: what..? but why??
BOY: sorry, bye..!

[ He disconnected the call the girl felt somebody has slammed the door on her face]

Every thing else flashed in her mind ,
Cars running by her.
Roof of some building and sunset...
She couldn't understand any thing..
She started feeling lonely, rejected and broken..:(

That was the answer to every thing! his words were pouncing on her.
Her heart wanted to jump out.!
He was the one! "why".....?
She screamed at the top of her voice:
Then she made up mind to make a last try to get him back....!

[ she called him up] 

GIRL: i need to tell u something...
BOY : go ahead.
GIRL: I just wanted you to know something before we stopped talking.
BOY:tell me !

GIRL: Are you alright??
[ She broke off ......!
She tried but maybe he really doesn't care for her,
She thought !
She wasn't her friend for first place......
TEARS were slowly running worst,.....:((
She left the house with a note....!


Phone rang in boy's room,
It was girl's mum,
The girl was lying in the Hospital got hit by car,:-(
The boy rushed to the hospital were she was.

She Opened he eyes with boy's name...,
He took her hand..

BOY: I am sorry its all my fault....! but?
I promise when U Get better I'II MAKE IT UP TO YOU..(

GIRL: I wont get better.
BOY: NO..! Don"t say that...(
GIRL: just tell me one thing why did you do it??

Boy told her that he had heart problem 'n
he didn't want her to be worried;
'n there was a risk he would have died..!

BOY : I did that because I...I...I...I LOVE YOU...?
GIRL ; I LOVE YOU TOO..? after that her heart stopped beating ..... she died..!
The boy died after 10 minutes later from heart attack ....


if you love sm1..?
Then don'y hold back your feelings..
Because love is the reason to live..

courtesy writerbabu
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Daughters are Angels

Every Child is a STAR on the Earth but Girls they are the real DIAMONDS of Beauty. Love and respect every girl.

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heart touching.........

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  1. With our time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers undertakes the most important mission in human history; traveling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars.

  2. Initial release: November 4, 2014 (London)
    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Running time: 169 minutes
    Music composed by: Hans Zimmer
    Screenplay: Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan

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